Planet Team | Edouard Gubien interview

Read the interview with a member of Team Planet. Today, Edouard Gubien, key account manager in the sales team.

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Edouard Gubien, key account manager, sales team.

Édouard, would you like to introduce yourself in a few words?

My educational background was in commerce, culminating in a BTS (Higher Technician’s Certificate) that took me to Lyon. There I met up with childhood friends: Laurent Pouillon and Sébastien Beraud. In February 2004, they asked me to join a new company they had just set up: Planet Monetic. They put their trust in me and so I joined the company to develop the ‘sales’ side of Planet Monetic.

What are your responsabilities at Planet Monetic?

Today, I’m in charge of the sales and administration team. I manage a team of 4 people who work with our various customers (Feu Vert, Joué Club, Burger King, Otacos, etc.), including chain shops, franchisees and monetic resellers. We have to ensure the marketing of relevant offers that meet the expectations of each customer in relation to Planet Monetic’s strengths, to control the correct invoicing and the follow-up of payments. We also ensure follow-up after delivery and installation of the equipment. We also prospect for new partners and present new monetic solutions (TETRA range, mPOS), as this sector of activity is constantly evolving.

For example: To enable them to accept “contactless” payment and in view of the new CB5.5 standard, we are currently renewing the monetuc equipment in Feu Vert centres throughout France. This involves precise organisation with our technical team (on-site deployment schedule, stock supply) and with our customer to keep them informed of the progress of the services.

What’s your favourite part of your Job?

Meetings in the field! Whether it’s with an organised retailer, a franchisee or an electronic payment reseller, we discuss current issues and current (or future) partnerships. The adrenalin that comes from auditing large groups and the human relationships we have with our customers are really intense moments.

What’s your favourite quote?

“Luck favours the bold”

What’s your favourite meal?

We’re going to play it very French, but a good glass of wine with a good cheese!

Which sports team do you support?

Saint-Étienne Team of course!

What message would you like to pass on to our readers?

I’d be delighted to have them calling me soon, or even to meet up with some of them. I hope they enjoy this little ‘offbeat’ interview. It will give our partners a chance to get to know us better, and so enhance


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