Why choose a compact mini mobile payment device?

Who is the mini payment terminal designed for? What are the advantages of this compact mobile POS machine? How much does it cost? We have tried to answer these questions through our case study.

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Step 1: Analysis and diagnosis of the situation

We’ve taken the example of a retailer with a home sales business selling body care, jewellery, clothes, Tupperware or Thermomix.

Stéphanie has launched her home sales business. She’s looking for lightweight, compact, equipment that will enable her to take credit card payments directly from her customers at a lower cost.

Stéphanie sells Tupperware at home, gives a demonstration and then collects cash from customers who wish to buy the products from after the demonstration

Step 2: define the problematic

She didn’t want to take cash or bank checks to avoid the problems of counterfeilt notes and unpaid checks and to save time collecting the money.

However, the customers did not want the proposed monetic solution to cost her too much in terms of equipment and bank charges, as she would be using the equipment occasionally.

Step 3: Defining needs and expectations

So she chose a small, compact mobile banking terminal (mPOS: Mobile Point Of Sale). She also took out an monetic contract with her own bank at a commission rate negotiated with them.

as far as the hardware is concerned, Stéphanie will have a ‘mini’ POS terminal that she will connect via Bluetooth to her mobile or a tablet. This “mini” bank terminal will enable her to cash smart or magnetic stripe cards.

The benefits:

  • No problem of unpaid bills thanks to the security of credit card (100% of credit cards will be in the account).
  • The money is available within 48 hours in the customer’s bank account, without having to make any deposits at the bank.
  • More and more people no longer have a bank check or cash in their possession.

Step 4: Implementing the solution

Stéphanie is going to hire a mini SPM2 payment device from SPIRE (some maintainers also sell them). She will then link it via Bluetooth to her mobile phone or tablet. This provides a light, fast and compact means of payment.

Today, as soon as a customer asks her to cash in their purchases, Stéphanie takes out her mobile phone or tablet and the small bank terminal she has purchased and collects the money from her customers.


See our mobile and compact POS machines

The basics of monetic

What is an electronic payment terminal (EPT) and how does it work?