How do I update the carte vitale on an POS machine?

Who is this solution aimed at? What are the advantages of this Android POS? What hardware is compatible? What are the advantages of installing this solution?

We’ve tried to answer all these questions through a case study.

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Needs analysis

Our prospect is a software publisher specialising in the implementation of healthcare solutions for pharmacies and medical practices.

Our publisher’s customer has 1 pharmacy with 6 cash points (cash register + POS).

Problems encountered

However, our prospect encountered problems such as the use of several terminals:

  • Carte Vitale reader
  • Payment terminals
  • PC/SC card reader

In addition, his customer wanted to optimise his counter space with a single device.

Bringed answer

When we got in touch with Planet Monetic, we mentioned the possibility of pooling all its needs on a single Android terminal, with a cashier link for redirecting the amount with the remaining charge.

This offer has a number of advantages, including:

  • Carte Vitale updating and reading
  • CB and CBCLESS collection
  • View all transactions and discounts on the portal
  • Delete merchant tickets
  • Remote control of all payment terminals
  • Control hardware and push application updates


As a result of our collaboration, our publisher is now offering this Android terminal at the entrance or in the waiting rooms of pharmacies and doctors’ surgeries, solely as a terminal for updating health insurance cards.

This solution saves pharmacists and practitioners a considerable amount of time.

Contact us now!

The basics of monetic

What is an electronic payment terminal (EPT) and how does it work?