Contactless ceiling raised to €50 in France
Currently capped at €30.00, contactless payments will be raised to €50.00 from Monday 11 May 2020, according to GIE Cartes Bancaires.
Contactless ceiling raised
During this period of confinement introduced to combat the spread of Covid-19. In recent weeks, contactless bankcard payments have become an effective barrier to the spread of the pandemic.
Currently capped at €30.00, contactless payments will rise to €50.00 from Monday 11 May 2020, according to GIE Cartes Bancaires.

Do customers need to change their credit cards?
In the vast majority of cases, it will not be necessary to change your card. Depending on the type of card, there will either be an update on your bank’s computer system. Or you card will be upgraded remotely, when you make a payment using your PIN. Or during an ATM withdrawal. However, if the customer’s card was still blocked with a €20.00 limit, it will not work at €50.00. They should contact their bank.
Do retailers need to change their bank terminals?
This action is transparent, with the terminal being upgraded overnight. The only retailers who will need to change their equipment are those who do not have compatible contactless terminals. And who would like to take this opportunity to offer contactless to their customers.

Do maintainers have to update bank terminals?
This action is also transparent for the monetic maintainers. The remote configuration of the CBCLESS (CONTACTLESS) application is updated overnight. Eveything happens on the banks’side, where they have to increase the ceiling on their server.
Will all these upgrades take place on Monday the 11th of May 2020
The remote upgrades will start at the beginning of May 2020, and a critical mass will be reached on Monay the 11th of May 2020.£